Here's My UX Journey

Shared our experiences with our interest in UX.

My UX Journey 🌟

While working at Nitrid Game, I once opened a window into the world of mobile games and applications. The concept of User Experience (UX) showed me how crucial a role it plays in this world.

Understanding how important games and applications are for users directed my interest towards UX design. The question, "Is UX design a suitable career for me?" started bothering me, and I began researching to find the answer.

I read numerous articles and sources on LinkedIn and Google, and each new piece of information drew me in even more. But reading alone wasn't enough. So, I attended the IXDA23 event, met people, shared experiences, and strengthened my connections in this field.

Participating in the sustainable design event enriched my perspective. However, learning was not sufficient; it was necessary to apply the knowledge. I received UX fundamentals training from the university and then completed Google's UX course.

Throughout this process, I learned that UX design is not just about making products better for users; it's also about understanding users' needs and experiences.

Now, my interest and knowledge in this field have grown, and I'm ready for bigger projects and achievements in the future. I know this journey is just the beginning, and I want to continue exploring in the world of UX. 🚀

Join Us!

Are you interested in UX studies? Feel free to share your experiences with us! We're also curious about your thoughts, so if you have any feedback, let us know. We would be happy to have you join us in creating a better user experience together. Check out our website and share your thoughts! 🌟