
We facilitated the learning of French for Turks.

Project Title: 📚 1yildab1fransizca.com

My Work: I address the challenges faced by Turkish-speaking individuals in their language learning journey and provide various solutions. I initiated this project in September 2023 with the aim of making it easier for Turks who want to learn French. I tried to identify their needs by sending surveys to those interested. Creating educational content posed some challenges, and the survey did not yield the expected level of participation. Now, by presenting the project as a website, I have made it accessible both from mobile phones and computers. I plan to add a podcast channel in the future.

Motivation: 🌟

Assisting people who want to learn French and facilitating this process motivates me. I started this project to identify their needs and provide them with the right resources.

Project Stage: ⏳

The project is presented as a website, and I plan to add a podcast channel in the future.

Learnings: 🧠

In this project, I gained experience in content creation, obtaining participation, and online education. I am constantly learning to better respond to people's needs.

Contact Us

Would you like to talk about your journey of learning a foreign language or share something with us? We look forward to hearing from you!

To get in touch with us, you can visit our website:
